La militància (2005-sempre)
No et limites a contemplar
aquestes hores que ara vénen,
baixa al carrer i participa
Do not confine yourself to observing
these hours that now approach
go down to the street and participate
Vicent Andrés Estellés
Crear espais per disputar-li l’hegemonia a la misèria fins ofegar-la és important, i sona intens però així és, i ho has de fer abans que res si vols canviar la cultura i la resta de condicions materials d’un lloc. Ho vaig aprendre militant a Maulets (2005-2012). Una organització de joves ecologista, independentista, transfeminista i comunista llibertària autogestionada que treballàvem arreu dels Països Catalans i que a la pràctica ajuntava el milloret i el pitjoret de cada casa per, efectivament, crear espais –en el nostre cas, una assemblea local, un nucli als instituts, un periòdic, el 15M local, les festes alternatives, un espai municipalista i d’altres que m’estic dixant. I participar d’altres –Federació d’Amposta d’Associacions de Veïns, Fira-Tots.
Tot transformant col·lectivament el nostre entorn i el món superant l’individu plantàrem cara, afectàrem políticament les nostres vides –de vegades en material institucional, de vegades cultural i de vegades humà– i també creàrem comunitats, efímeres i no.
Creating spaces to contest and suffocate the hegemony of misery is crucial –and it may sound intense, but that’s the reality. This is something you must do above all else if you want to change the culture and the rest of the material conditions of a place. I learned this while being an activist with Maulets (2005-2012), an organization of young people that was ecologist, independentist, transfeminist, and anarchist communist. We worked throughout the Catalan Countries, and brought together the best and worst of us all to effectively establish new spaces. In our case, this meant a local assembly, groups in the colleges, a newspaper, the local 15M initiatives, an alternative festival, a municipalist space and others that I forget. We also participated in other organizations such as the Federation of Neighborhood Associations in Amposta and Fira-Tots.
Through collective transformation, we confronted our conext and the world in general struggling to go beyond the individual. We, institutionally and artistically influenced our lives – that including every people around us – culture and communities; ephemeral & not.

En aquella època el capital internacional cisheteropatriarcal, colonial i racista extraïa la riquesa dels països del sud d’Europa tot terciaritzant-nos l’economia i l’Estat espanyol evitava qualsevol debat sobre com gastava els diners dels treballadors alimentant una perenne constant de conflictes nacionalistes espanyols petits i mitjans. I el moment cridava l’atenció perquè ningú no s’hi oposava gaire, en primer terme, i perquè en general érem una societat que passava completament de tot, en segon. Vivíem massa bé, penso. Massa enganyades convençudes que vivíem el millor dels mons. Al capdavall, era còmode. Per a alguns.
During that period, the colonial, racist, cisheteropatriarcal international capital was extracting on the southern European population by tertiary-sectorizing our economy. Meanwhile the Spanish Kingdom avoided any debate on how to spent the workers’ money by fueling a constant stream of small and medium Spanish nationalist conflicts. Times were notable as very few opposed –firstly– and because in general it was a society that wouldn’t really care about anything. We were living too comfortably, I am afraid; too convinced that we were living in the best of worlds. Ultimately, it was convenient. At least for some.

Stopping PHN (Plan Hidrológico Nacional) planned by Spanish right-wing Nationalist Party PP (Partido Popular) and local collaborationists Catalan right-wing Convergència i Unió as an activist together with an ecological regional masses’ movement led by Plataforma en Defensa de l’Ebre. Stopping several posterior attempts to channel Ebre river’s water for speculative purposes and private interest
Squatting faculties in UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and UB (Universitat de Barcelona) together with the students’ movement claiming to the competent organisms to listen the student’s critiques to UE’s Bologna Process as a way of privatising Education and maximising its elitisation. Organization and facilitating alternative classes with students, professors and staff
A couple of political dimissions from the regional Catalan clientelist nationalist right-wing (Consell Comarcal del Montsià) appointed during my period as a journalist in la Directa cooperative
Articulating through a young’s radical movement and a group of neighbors the political opposition to the city council (supermajority) of Amposta, after 24 years of supermajoritist hegemony of the regional Catalan clientelist nationalist right-wing. Was proposed to be the second in the list for a progressist catch-all coalition that would conquer the city council. Refused. Accepted a 13th place
Organising two editions of an anticapitalist, independentist, ecologist, feminist rural gathering and festival (Rebrot, in Berga) together with Maulets, el jovent independentista revolucionari
Articulating local 15-M in Amposta into an alternative local political party and culture festival
Representing anticapitalist, independentist, ecologist, feminist, municipalist pseudo anarcho-communist grassroots movement and political party CUP (Candidatura d’Unitat Popular) in the regional media helping to make it possible to enter the Catalan Parliament first time in History